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Event date Fri, Feb 28 2025 - Sun, Apr 13 2025
Event date Dublin Port
Event date €725

RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore – Dublin

Advanced training for experienced and aspiring skippers. This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages. This course will take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills.

Who this course is for:   Experienced and up-coming skippers.

Length of course: The course is taught over 45 hours. It will be covered over two weekends and a series of one night per week classroom sessions.

Objective:  To reach the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams.

Assessment: There are three exam papers.

Prerequisites: Significant previous sailing or boating experience is expected.  Some mathematical ability would be useful.

Format of the course:   The course allows some time for revision of the basics and then moves on to advanced navigation techniques.


  • Position fixing
  • Course shaping and plotting
  • Passage planning
  • Tidal knowledge
  • Use of almanacs and admiralty publications
  • Electronic position finding equipment and chartplotters
  • Taking and interpreting weather forecasts
  • Plotting weather systems
  • Weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
  • Collision regulations
  • Customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad.


This course will be classroom based (not online) on the following weekends:

Fri 28 Feb evening, Sat 01 and Sun 02 March 2025, and

Fri 11 Apr evening, Sat 12 and Sun 13 April 2025

In addition, there will be a number of evening classroom-based sessions on Monday evenings in March and early April. 


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